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My Work 1975 to 2021

It took me 4 days to scan in these photographs that I having carrying around with me for all these years. I was thinking to myself, "How can one person have done all of this work? Please keep in mind so many photos got lost in a divorce as well as I did not take pictures of everything that I did. Well, I hope you enjoy my history. Also Please visit my Rudolph's Virtual Museum 
of my personal cars and creations.

1938 packard 180 limo 1.jpeg

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My Work 1975 to 2021


When I was a very young boy of 11 years old I started creating... Painting our and neighbors' cars up the street in my mother's driveway. Getting paid now, I had the coolest stuff when I was a kid. I was spending my own money now.

my early chopper 1.jpeg
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mustang 1.jpeg
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Early 1980s

Early 1980's

After I learned how to drive, I got more customers and decided to call myself a business.

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